Monday, March 15, 2010


And I don't mean World of Warcraft (I'm attempting to keep the "corn factor" low, but it may slip through, and by that I mean Nerdom).
I haven't posted a blog in several years now.
Life became a whirlwind of family, friends, and an office job. I've since lost that office job,
"children get older....", Space and time has evolved, and I'm thinking about going back to school...again.

I will not use LOL or smilies or extra punctuation, or all caps. These are the things that my last employer, really had a hard time with. This will be an exercise on developing maturity, and professionalism, which I have fought with dedicated vengeancy my entire life, thus far.

I can not promise that I will not use iffy words like vengeancy, nerdom, and corn factor- but I will try. I'm also trying to let go of, "Paint it Black" I may change the color of this place to ochra...or some other non evasive color.